Workshop Policies & Guidelines

Taking a Workshop? Read this.

Information about current workshop dates can be found on this website under News>Events & Classes and on our Facebook Page. Sign up for our weekly eNewsletter to be notified about classes as they are added to our schedule.


  • Workshops are designed toward age-appropriate skills; age restrictions may vary.

  • Workshop sizes vary, and spaces are limited; advance registration and payment are required.

  • Registration fee is non-refundable

  • Cancellations made up to 7 business days before the start date may be rescheduled into another NCPC workshop (based on availability) once for a $25 rescheduling fee.

  • Rescheduling is based on a 90-day availability.

  • No credits for rescheduling into an NCPC workshop of lesser value will be issued.

  • Any additional payment will be due when rescheduling is requested for an NCPC workshop of greater value.

  • The registration fee includes access to all related materials and tools, a demonstration, hands-on instruction, and the choice of glaze for firing.

  • Allow 3-4 weeks for items to be ready for pick-up; shipping is available for an additional charge.

  • Following pick-up notification, items left longer than 90 days will be repurposed.


  • No hand, wrist, or long necklace jewelry. 

  • Long hair must be pulled back and secured completely.

  • Long fingernails are not recommended

  • Shirts with short sleeves/sleeves that can be rolled up are recommended.

  • Clothing or other personal articles may get dirty or damaged; please dress accordingly.

Clay face mug workshop in progress.

A clay face mug workshop in progress.


  • While photos are allowed, we do not allow participants to videotape or livestream workshops (public or private) for liability, privacy, and security reasons.

  • Our policies are subject to change.

Past Workshops


Due to the nature of working with ceramics, not all wares are guaranteed to make it out of the kiln successfully. This is especially true if instructions are not carefully followed. Inconsistencies in thickness and incomplete attachments can cause cracks and other breakage at any point in the process. Minor imperfections and variations in the clay and glaze are to be expected. Every effort will be made to oversee the utmost care of finishing student work, but the NC Pottery Center and its staff are not liable for damage or loss of wares that are not properly formed.