Matching Challenge Grant Opportunity

An Extraordinary Opportunity!

This Matching Challenge Grant Opportunity is the second most important thing to happen in the Center’s history following its opening to the public in November 1998.

We thank the Windgate Foundation, a private Arkansas-based foundation, for recognizing the importance of our nonprofit mission of Sharing North Carolina’s Clay Stories, Past and Present, and giving us this amazing opportunity.


All funds raised for the Challenge, up to $400,000 a year for the next 5 years, will be MATCHED, with all funds raised and matched going into an endowment for the Center with the Arkansas Community Foundation.

By mid-2028, the Center COULD have an endowment of $4,000,000 or more!

We met our Year 1 (FY2023-24) Match, so there is now $800,000 in endowment for the center! Onward to Years 2-5… YOU can Help!

Collage of NC Pottery Center images showcasing the center.

Why is this needed? To ensure LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY.

  • Throughout its existence, the nonprofit North Carolina Pottery Center has always relied heavily, frankly too heavily, on grant funding to help support its normal operational expenses.

  • Such a continual heavy reliance on grant funding isn’t healthy for an organization’s longevity or its people, and it hinders the ability of the organization, in this case, the Center, to grow and best fulfill its mission.

Why is this important? Because it is a TRANSFORMATIONAL OPPORTUNITY.

  • Because the endowment will help to provide Long-Term Sustainability for the Center.

  • Because every gift to the endowment is more than a singular gift. Endowments grow over time meaning your contribution will continue to grow and give back each year.

  • By decreasing reliance on grant funding for normal operational expenses through annual funds provided by the endowment, we will be able to more clearly and fully focus on fulfilling our mission, making the Center an even more engaging place where people of diverse backgrounds, ages, and interests can discover and experience captivating changing exhibits and shows (both historical and contemporary), guided tours and demos, our annual educational conference for potters, hands-on educational programming, and more.

It’s only an Opportunity, though, until WE, TOGETHER, make it a Reality.

And, we would love to have YOUR help making it a Reality.

How can YOU help?

Contributions may also be made in person at the Center or by check: North Carolina Pottery Center, PO BOX 531, Seagrove, NC 27341.

If you would like guidance on making a specific contribution, a multi-year contribution, or planned giving, please email or reach out to the Center’s Executive Director, Lindsey Lambert.

Your Support Is Greatly Appreciated!

The North Carolina Pottery Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN 56-1765000.